While paying tribute to his culture, Dr. Lakra lends a hand to US-born Hispanics in retro-acculturation mode while also feeding the mainstream's hunger for Latino culture and tradition. Perhaps as interesting as the artwork is how it all came about. One again, I am constantly amazed at the creative process. Ay te va. Checkalo!
Apr 6, 2013
Who needs Earth, Wind and Fire? We've got Jaguar, Feathered Serpent, Hurricane... and Fire Water!
While paying tribute to his culture, Dr. Lakra lends a hand to US-born Hispanics in retro-acculturation mode while also feeding the mainstream's hunger for Latino culture and tradition. Perhaps as interesting as the artwork is how it all came about. One again, I am constantly amazed at the creative process. Ay te va. Checkalo!
Mar 13, 2013
Mars or Planet Tejano?
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Go Tejano Day beats Bruno Mars Day? No que no! |

Mar 10, 2013
Pocho Defined: If You Count Urban Dictionary

Feb 19, 2013
Just When You Think You're Out...

Whether you're President Obama carefully wording immigration reform rhetoric, or Marco Rubio delivering the Republican response, "thirsty" for his own chance at delivering a presidential address. Or whether you're corporate America, trying to understand and capture (not always in that order) the growth potential that Hispanic consumers possess.

Or, even if you're "just" an Hispanic mom trying to make ends meet, give your kids, "the advantages" you never had (like ipads, 24/7 access to Spotify w/out ads and their own chance for 15 mins. of Honey Boo Boo-like fame)... the "Hispanic issues" (and opportunities), are still out there. And, the PochoNation continues rising! Our up and coming, ever-increasing bilingual/bicultural Latino/as who live in multiple worlds and (whether they speak good Spanish, bad Spanish or none at all) keep their culture alive and strong deep in their hearts keep gaining ground as a segment to be recognized.
So, I'll keep writing, or at least start back up again. (OK MA?) PS. Thanks for the iPad!
Feb 14, 2010
What's With All The Drama?

Have you ever been in a situation where you're having a typical family discussion and the cops show up because the neighbors called and reported that, "They're gonna kill each other!"? Or maybe people look at you weird at a fancy restaurant or the movies... or maybe church? Happens all the time. Why is that?
Everyone "knows" Latinos are passionate people (PochoNation-ales are the most passionate, because we get to be that way in Spanish AND English. Now, you know what being passionate means and it's not all about being sexy (but that part IS true). We're also opinionated. (Hey, I've got a right to my opinion dammit.) We're stubborn (Some might say que somos tercos, but I beg to differ.) We're intense. (Loud. That's why the cops come.) And, we won't be bested. (No queremos que nadie nos gana.) We believe we know things We believe we're right about those things. And, we're gonna make sure YOU know we know and we're right! No que no? Listen to the other side of the story. Mira! There's my side and there's your side... and your side is the side I gave you (which BTW is my side). Man, that last part really takes me home, just saying.
I've seen this in personal relationships, family relationships, even in professional relationships (Although I do work in an agency full of Latinos.) Sure, it scares some folks... non-Hispanic, the very young, the very old, librarians (occasionally clients). But nobody needs to be scared. It doesn't mean we're angry. That doesn't mean it's personal. It doesn't mean we're gonna fight. And, it certainly doesn't mean that we're NOT gonna lock arms and go have a beer (or six) right after this is over.
It's a STYLE. Is it cultural? Maybe, maybe not. I mean, it's not exclusive to Latinos, Italians wave their arms in ADDITION to being this way. OK, so maybe it is cultural. Whatever. Point is, asi somos. That's just the way we are and actually, I think it's good for us to be that way. Think of it as if we're those yuppies who pay hundreds of dollars an hour for scream therapy, but we get ours free. And our therapists are our family and friends. It keeps our blood hot and healthy. Either way, and for whatever reason, we like it. Cultural insight? Stereotype? Maybe both, but if you want to experience this "cultural phenomena" just go to any Latino family reunion (like Christmas, New Year's, Easter, World Cup Final, Superbowl, church picnic, BBQ or birthday party in the park, dinnertime, whatever... and you'll see. I'm right. I know it!
Oct 17, 2009
Pocho Next Gens: Evolving Empowerment

Growing up Pocho was a disadvantage. At least that's how I saw it. Not quite fitting in, not truly accepted by either non-Hispanics or "real Mexicans", i.e. immigrants. That's how I felt it. And, I've learned that I wasn't alone. Many US-born LatinoBoomers (and/or their children) felt that way. When cultural "conflicts" occurred, you just felt embarrassed and removed yourself from the scene. Problem solved, no? Not really. We segregated ourselves.
I've written about this before but I'm not just rehashing old ideas. Now that my daughter's in a public university, I'm seeing familiar themes, but with a very interesting (and uplifting) twist. Brought up in a slightly Spanglish, but definitely Hispanic home, she's was also raised a good Catholic school girl, her peers were fairly conservative, culturally homogeneous. (Lotta white bread.) Now among students of much greater diversity, she's confronted with a different mix of all kind of folk: White, Black, Asian, etc... and tons more raza. This last part makes sense because the University is in San Antonio and pulls a lot of commuter students from throughout Central Texas. The San Anto area is majority Hispanic. Not quite the density of the Valley (forever my home), but still.. S.A. = ese!
Anyway, back to the point: wide variety of Latino(a). In the stories that she's told me, and in my own observations of the way these kids interact, I've learned many of the same dynamics exist between Hispanics of varying backgrounds. In fact, she admitted that among her non-Hispanic White friends she feels very Hispanic, but among some (but not all) of her Hispanic friends, she feels more "White". Been there done that baby. "I feel your pain," I say in comfort and to show I understand. But, really, I don't understand. She doesn't need comforting.
Instead of dissing each other and separating, they accept, support and embrace. They're curious. They discuss. They share. The Hispanic kids that are more acculturated, or "Americanized", help those that are from Latin America or less acculturated to navigate the system here. And, they reciprocate by describing how some of the traditional customs are celebrated "back home". Authentic style. (And maybe correcting a Spanish word or two.) That's a little simplistic because there's more complex interaction, but you get the point. For them, it's all good.
Many of us grew up with prejudice and a bad habit of people, in general, building fences wherever differences were perceived. White vs. Black. Rich vs.

Poor. North of the tracks vs. South. Light skinned Hispanic vs. dark. We've seen a cultural evolution. We've seen the change and we're empowered by it. But we remember and I think it colors your POV on a lot of things.
This PochoNation generation doesn't carry the same baggage. They hear our stories and I think they appreciate where we've been. And, they still care about their culture, proud to be Hispanic. They are neither emasculated nor diminished by their differences. They are empowered. They have more options. They can do more because they are more. Encouraging, no?. Si!
Aug 16, 2009
Reality Check: Joy And Sorrow Are Often Inseparable

Another lesson. Everyday seems to bring more learning. Deeper understanding. Those 'aha!' moments, full of insight, understanding. Sometimes they are shining lights of illumination and, on rare special occasions, inspiration. Yes! Today's lesson is about the reality that life is full of paradoxes (is that a word?) and contradictions. Sometimes the things that bring you great joy also harbor melancholy, sadness. Often, these occur at multiple levels.
This week our beautiful, talented, wise-beyond-her-years, daughter leaves for university. As with all parents, this has been a lifelong dream for us... for the entire family. My Mom, my Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts, uncles... the list goes on. (We are Hispanic after all - everyone's related.) And, as the oldest grandchilden, first-born of all the cousins there is a special anticipation in seeing the first launch into the next phase of her life. So, are we all beaming with pride? Yes! Are we exicted for her? Of course. But while my heart is so swollen with pride that it's bigger than the sun, it's also spreading with tiny, cracks of sadness that are rapidly expanding as the "moving day" approaches. We will miss her sooo much.
For 18 1/2 years we've looked forward to this day. She's fullfilled all our expectations and shattered them. I know I'm her dad, but there has been no more perfect child (although for the record, until the age of 5, I was pretty damned good!). And now, this week feels like the Apocalypse, the last days of the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus probably wrote about this in one of the quatrains! As she follows her own heart, her own dreams, her own path... she moves a step away from ours. It's a little step, a baby step. But it feels like a step across the Grand Canyon, a Neil Armstrong's "one small step for man" kinda monumental, BIG step to me.
So, my lesson (re-learned and re-learned) is that life is a beautiful chaos (I stole this line but it's nice right?), a rollercoaster ride of emotions where great joy and deep sorrow blend and blossom. I've also learned (realized, once again) what my own parents must have gone through and likely, each and every time another of us went off. I recognize how precious those infrequent calls I made home must have been to them (and probably still are today). And how even as I succeeded (or didn't) along my path they were supportive of my choices even as they took me further and further away from them. But, I also know that the distance was physical not emotional. Even as our daughter moves to another city to begin a new chapter in her life, she'll never be one micro-meter (is THAT a term?) away from our hearts.
Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. Bee... follow your heart and know we're always here.
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