Feb 14, 2010

What's With All The Drama?

Have you ever been in a situation where you're having a typical family discussion and the cops show up because the neighbors called and reported that, "They're gonna kill each other!"? Or maybe people look at you weird at a fancy restaurant or the movies... or maybe church? Happens all the time. Why is that?

Everyone "knows" Latinos are passionate people (PochoNation-ales are the most passionate, because we get to be that way in Spanish AND English. Now, you know what being passionate means and it's not all about being sexy (but that part IS true). We're also opinionated. (Hey, I've got a right to my opinion dammit.) We're stubborn (Some might say que somos tercos, but I beg to differ.) We're intense. (Loud. That's why the cops come.) And, we won't be bested. (No queremos que nadie nos gana.) We believe we know things We believe we're right about those things. And, we're gonna make sure YOU know we know and we're right! No que no? Listen to the other side of the story. Mira! There's my side and there's your side... and your side is the side I gave you (which BTW is my side). Man, that last part really takes me home, just saying.

I've seen this in personal relationships, family relationships, even in professional relationships (Although I do work in an agency full of Latinos.) Sure, it scares some folks... non-Hispanic, the very young, the very old, librarians (occasionally clients). But nobody needs to be scared. It doesn't mean we're angry. That doesn't mean it's personal. It doesn't mean we're gonna fight. And, it certainly doesn't mean that we're NOT gonna lock arms and go have a beer (or six) right after this is over.

It's a STYLE. Is it cultural? Maybe, maybe not. I mean, it's not exclusive to Latinos, Italians wave their arms in ADDITION to being this way. OK, so maybe it is cultural. Whatever. Point is, asi somos. That's just the way we are and actually, I think it's good for us to be that way. Think of it as if we're those yuppies who pay hundreds of dollars an hour for scream therapy, but we get ours free. And our therapists are our family and friends. It keeps our blood hot and healthy. Either way, and for whatever reason, we like it. Cultural insight? Stereotype? Maybe both, but if you want to experience this "cultural phenomena" just go to any Latino family reunion (like Christmas, New Year's, Easter, World Cup Final, Superbowl, church picnic, BBQ or birthday party in the park, dinnertime, whatever... and you'll see. I'm right. I know it!