May 20, 2009

The Revelations of Self-Portraits

I try to be brave.  I believe I have a story to tell.  I hope that when I write, I share lessons and emotions and laughter people can both identify with and maybe even benefit.  To tell your story is to expose yourself, to say to the world, "here I am and this is me!"  Then you wait and see what the world sends back.  Some kind of response.  A laugh.  An "Orale!".  Or a "You're wrong dude and BTW, you suck."  Either way, to tell your story is taking a chance.  Like I said, I try to be brave and true to my self and to my personal story.  In my writing, I take small chances all the time.  But cultural revelations may take less fortitude than others.   
Some people do more than "try" to be brave, take more than baby steps.  They take great leaps of faith; and, while the results can be disastrous and soul wrenching, they can also be beautiful and healing.  Even more than brave, they can be inspiring.  This is the story of one such person.  A very special person: Karrie Lee.  Read her story in The Portrait Assignment.  Experience her life, her art and her pain.  Revel in her strength and her perseverance.  I'm glad to call her my friend.   I'm sure you'll benefit from her story, her bravery.  And, there are more enlightening portraits to view and experience.  Witness for yourself.

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