Feb 19, 2013

Just When You Think You're Out...

It's been awhile since I've written publicly about Rise of the PochoNation. Really about anything. New job. New responsibilities. Life changes. Unfortunately, the excuses don't. It's not about having the time, it's about making the time. But... that's all I have to say about that! To faithful readers (thanks Ma), PochoYProud's back. Funny thing: the issues that began my writing in the first place never left, never slowed down and amazingly (NOT), continue to grow. As a nation, we still struggle with how do deal with "Hispanic" issues. On many fronts.
Whether you're President Obama carefully wording immigration reform rhetoric, or Marco Rubio delivering the Republican response, "thirsty" for his own chance at delivering a presidential address. Or whether you're corporate America, trying to understand and capture (not always in that order) the growth potential that Hispanic consumers possess.
Whether you're a company like Walmart,  integrating a Total Market approach with Hispanic at the forefront (a strategy growing in popularity); or, if you're one of a number of market leaders such as McDonald's, Sears, Allstate who are putting their money where their mouths are (where their mouth is?) and seeing gains of their own.
Or, even if you're "just" an Hispanic mom trying to make ends meet, give your kids, "the advantages" you never had (like ipads, 24/7 access to Spotify w/out ads and their own chance for 15 mins. of Honey Boo Boo-like fame)... the "Hispanic issues" (and opportunities), are still out there. And, the PochoNation continues rising! Our up and coming, ever-increasing bilingual/bicultural Latino/as who live in multiple worlds and (whether they speak good Spanish, bad Spanish or none at all) keep their culture alive and strong deep in their hearts keep gaining ground as a segment to be recognized.
So, I'll keep writing, or at least start back up again. (OK MA?) PS. Thanks for the iPad!

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