Mar 10, 2013

Pocho Defined: If You Count Urban Dictionary

When I first started writing, albeit sporadically, about being Pocho and Proud, along with the Rise of the PochoNation, I felt I was alone in my zeal to claim the negative title and turn it into something positive. Some laughed. Others sneered. Most just said, "Huh?". Very few actually identified with the term Pocho. However, more and more, I'm seeing Pocho blogs, comments, references, and yes - t-shirts! Furthermore, while it may not be Webster, there's actually a definition (several) of Pocho in Wiki and Urban Dictionary. The term has been around for a long time, but what's actually new is that people are embracing this notion. (Sorry Grandpa.) Much of what I'm reading is humorous, in the self-deprecating style that is way too common to our culture. Still, as the PochoNation is growing, so are Pocho claimants. Orale!

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