May 25, 2009

Memorial Day: A Cold One's Awaiting!

Today we pause to reflect.  To remember.  To give thanks.  To celebrate.  On Memorial Day we honor the lives lost, the wounds suffered, the proud service of those in the military.  It's important to take a time out of our day-to-day to think about what it all means.  
What does it mean to build an army?  What does it mean to go to war?  What does it mean to put your cross hairs on the body of a stranger and pull a trigger, or push a button or flick a switch... and have that person cease to exist?  And, what does it mean to have that happen to someone you love?  What does it mean for an individual to volunteer for that possibility?  To raise their hand and say, "Me! Choose me.  I'll go.  I'll train.  I'll wear the colors.  I'll eat the sand.  I'll hump the hills.  I'll fight.  I'll take a chance. Choose ME!"  Why would somebody do that?  Why would ANYBODY do that?  
Who's crazy enough to leave family and friends, a perfectly safe (mostly safe) place, in a really great (well mostly great) country and put themselves in harm's way?  Who?  And for what?  So we can sit here and live our lives in peace and comfort?  So we can toss some fajitas on the grill?  Let the kids run through the sprinkler, throw back a few cold ones, watch the Astros destroy Cincinnati (hopefully) and bitch about work?  Is that it?  Is that what this is all about?  This is freedom?  Actually... Yes!  
It's really just the tip of the iceberg, but yes.  There's that and democracy.  Being able to vote in free elections is kinda cool.  Not having to wear a shroud over your head when you go out is nice.  Choosing your profession, being able to send your kids to school, marrying the woman you love (or whichever person you love but we're working on that one), worshiping the god of your choice (or not).  All of those are pretty important reasons too.  
Anyway, as I'm taking in the sun, popping the top and thinking about Memorial Day and whether or not I should buy that loveseat that's on sale, I thought I'd share what's been on my mind all day and say THANKS! It doesn't matter if you're White or Black, Latino, Hispanic, Mexican, Pocho, whatever.  You're all heroes.  So thanks to all those crazy sons of bitches (and daughters too) that made that crazy brave choice.  Just be sure you bring it on home 'cause your cold one's waiting!


  1. I nice job Ed! Enjoy that cold one!

  2. Ed, if this is the way we are going to start out, I'm not so sure I can follow you. You had me crying from 1st entry. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Beautiful writing!! --Billie
